General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Tie rod modelling: Link-Solid connection and convergence

    • guilherme.righeto

      Hello, everyone! I am working on a static simulation of steel structures with cables designed to handle tensile forces. I want the cable to work exclusively under tension, so I modeled it as a "Link/Truss" and set it to "Tension Only" (as shown in the attached images). The connection I’m aiming for is between the cable and a solid (which acts as a support). I achieved this using the MPC formulation and enabling "Large Deflection." However, the solution does not converge—it spends hours preparing the mathematical solution but never finishes. Can someone assist me with a solution to this problem?

      Tie rod conectionTie rod conection SettingsSettingsSettings Not converging

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      Can you try to suppress all the beam/cables and just fix the hole edge and see if that runs .

      Also see here for more help on troublesh.:

      link truss tension only ansys convergence

      All the best



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