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Thin-walled tube Meshing


    • biwako

      Dear Members, I can't get a simple meshing of my thin-walled tube, even with the original setting.

      As you can see, the element are irregular, and not simply cubic. Thank you in advance for your help.

      Thin-Walled Tube Meshing

    • peteroznewman

      Open the solid body tube in SpaceClaim and use the Midsurface tool on the Prepare tab.  Then the solid body that meshed very ill with solid elements will be replaced with a midsurface with an assigned thickness that will mesh very well with shell elements.

    • biwako

      Dear Peter, thank you very much for your reply. It was very helpful to me. It simplified my 3D model and sped up the meshing. But the mesh result is still wrinkled. I don't know where it comes from, because the mesh parameters setting is the original one. My tube is slightly tapered, because it is a fishing rod. Do you think this is the cause of the problem? Brgds,thin walled tubev2

    • peteroznewman

      The element size is too large. Where is shows 20 mm use 5 mm.  On the Resolution line where it says 2 use 4.   Smaller elements and higher resolution will smooth out the mesh.

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