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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Thermoelectric Generator Abnormal Result [Uneven Hot Sid Temperature Contour]

    • Foo Sin Khai

      Hi there, 

      Really appreciate if anyone can help...
      My case here is when i assign even/constant temperature at hot side, the electric-voltage contour seem to be normal or expected result. But when i mapped an uneven temperature contour on the hot side, i would expect the similar contour of electrical-voltage for case 2 as the principle i understand for thermoelectric is the voltage is stacked up. But the result behave another way round...

      anyone know why this happen and how can i solve this issue?

      picture is attached below...

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      It's not possible to read the legends.   Is the serpentine path a conductor that connects the blocks?   Normally the thermoelectric effect in such a device is in the the normal direction, but perhaps your in-plane temperature gradient is driving a voltage gradient in the in-plane direction as well.  Do the blocks themselves have an in-plane temperature variation?   The electric field and the thermal gradient are coupled.

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