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Thermal radiation through contact in Workbench Mechanical UI

    • paul.lardet

      Dear all,

      I use Ansys Mechanical 2024 inside Workbench to model thermal problems.

      Mechanical APDL has a capability to model radiation between the pair of faces of a thermal contact (see 7.1.6 in the documentation)

      Do you know if this functionnality is available in any way in workbench mechanical UI ?

      Best regards,


    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      Refer to this knowledge material: Modeling Radiative Heat Transfer - Ansys Knowledge which demonstrates how to set up radiation heat transfer loading on the interior faces of two plates facing each other within Ansys Workbench Mechanical.


      Deepak K.

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    • paul.lardet

      Hi Karri,


      Thanks for your answer and the link. I could indeed use face-to-face radiation.

      But in some case, I would prefer to use the contact tool, which is supposed to support radiative exchange (see APDL documentation).

      This can be very usefull : no view-factor calculation (only local heat exchange), no geometrical gap needed between faces.

      Any idea to activate this functionnality inside workbench mechanical ?



    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Paul,

      There is no option to define the radiation contact b/w faces using the contact tool in GUI, you can only define the thermal conduction in the contact tool. For defining radiation contact, use surface-to-surface options.





    • paul.lardet

      Thanks for your informations.

      Maybe it could be achieved indirectly by specifying a variable TCC, with a function of the temperature of the faces in contact ?

      Do you know if these temperatures are accessible, and if variable TCC is enabled in the GUI ?




      • Deepak
        Ansys Employee

        TCC - is the thermal contact conductance coefficient, which is the input variable in contact definitions.

    • paul.lardet

      Thanks for your explaination.

      I undersand what is TCC and where it is specified.

      Do you know if this parameter can be defined inside the GUI with a function or tabulation ? If yes, can this function depend on the face temperature ?





    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      There are many factors influencing thermal contact conductance: contact pressure, surface roughness, the interface fluid, and the interface temperature. But using GUI it is not possible to define in tabular form. Using an APDL command can do it. 


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