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Thermal Desktop installation, with license key


    • daphnepapadatos

      I am having difficulties with the installation and thus opening Thermal Desktop. I was able to open Auto Cad which I think included Thermal Desktop but then I was not able to click anything and it was asking me to enter a serial number or a license but there was no option to upload my license key file. Would you be able to provide a document that outlines exactly what to do for installation I may have to restart. I was following the one provided by ANSYS with license approval for my university team but it did not install properly.

      Thank you.

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      If you received a License file from Ansys Inc, you would need to install the Ansys License Manager on the machine it was created for.
      Installing ANSYS License Manager 2023 on Windows

      Then, verify that the "Define Flexnet Publisher License Server" is pointed to the License Server machine.

    • daphnepapadatos

      Hi George would it be possible to schedule a meeting please as I have already followed these steps and the installation is not working. Thank you.

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