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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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The transverse shear stiffness matrix of Shell 281 element

    • forvery5k

      Hi, guys

      I have a question about the Shell281 element. I'm using the ANSYS APDL for modal anaysis. I calculated the ABD matrix of my mateiral and aplied it to the shell 281 elements in my FEA model by using the command of SSPA, SSPB and SSPD. My model is thin, so I think the transverse shear stiffness can be negligible and so I didn't set the transverse shear stiffness by using the command of SSPE. But Ansys show me that the transverse shear stiffness should be applied. Is there any way to neglect the transverse shear stiffness effect?(like Kirchhoff-love theory)

       I know the shell281 element use First order Shear Deformation Theory(FSDT) as a governing equation. can I change the governing equation to kirchhoff-love theory?

      I know that the shell281 elemnt has an option for the stiffness control(ex: membrane only, membrane and bending stiffness).

      I want to use membrane and bending stiffness option. 

      Thank you.


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee






      Assuming you use user integrated shell formulation (so using SSPX commands)

      Define SSPE (there might be some simple expressions that approximate it, say ~ constant*G*thick.) as it is needed for membrane + bending analysis (if it was only membrane option, then SSPE is not needed - see help manual).


      Perhaps other forum members have some further feedback.


      All the best






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