Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

‘The shared license is not available to perform the geometry attach operation’

    • chanakarn.ariyanukooltorn

      Hello everyone, I am using ANSYS Student Version 2024 R2

      I made a Gyroid TPMS Structure on nTopology, saved as STL File and converted it into Solid on SpaceClaim. Now I want to open this part in Ansys Mechanical through Workbench and got 3 errors as shown below. This issue only came up after I have converted my part into Solid, maybe because the file became way bigger? I was able to open the same part as STL file on Mechanical before, but I could not mesh it. That is why I converted to Solid so that I can mesh, but now I can't even open it. How do I solve this? I would really appreciate some guidance.

      Now I opened details and it shows these errors

      On my mechanical it looks like the picture below, you cannot see the part

      And this is how my part looks on SpaceClaim

      Kindly let me know if someone knows something.


    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      "Shared License" is when both SC and Mechanical use a single license, but only one program can be open or active at once. 
      Close SpaceClaim, then try the Attach / Refresh into Mechancial.

      • chanakarn.ariyanukooltorn

        Thank you for your reply! 

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