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The meaning of user a matrix

    • H1640846343


      EME conducted simulations of a single period of Bragg grating and successfully obtained transmission spectra. I tried scanning the temperature parameters of the EME solver to see if I could observe the relationship between temperature and transmission spectra. But in the options of the scanning result, there is only the image of user a matrix, as shown on the left side of the above picture. I don't understand what this represents? What does this mean? What can be obtained through this matrix? Also, I have a question. Will the temperature change of materials with palik suffix already in the material library affect their refractive index? I hope you can help me answer or tell me where to find relevant content on the official website

    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Subscriber,

      For EME simulation results, please refer to the following resources: the EME Solver analysis window overview, particularly the S-matrix mapping section, as well as the associated application examples, such as waveguide Bragg gratings and  fiber Bragg gratings.

      Regarding temperature dependency: unfortunately, no. If the material type is set to 'Sampled 3D Data,' it does not support temperature dependency. You will need to create a custom material with a defined temperature dependency. Please refer to the article Temperature dependent refractive index models for guidance.

      Best regards,


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