LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

The display of current density, voltage, resistance, and SOC in LS-PrePost.

    • douzi891213

      Good day,

      I am a beginner in battery simulation using LS-DYNA and have downloaded the battery simulation examples from the official website at The output files from the calculation include d3plot, em_isoPotOut_000001.dat, lspost.cfile, spooles.res, status.out, etc. When I open the d3plot, I always fail to find the buttons in LS-PrePost to display changes in current density, resistance, SOC, etc., and the .dat file cannot be opened with LS-PrePost.

      I'm not sure how to achieve the display of current density as shown in the figure below. Do I need to add certain keywords in the k file used for the calculation? Or do I need other post-processing files to display it? I have been puzzled by this recently and have searched extensively online, but I have not found a solution. I wonder if I could get guidance from the teachers? Thank you very much, and I look forward to your reply.


    • Raman Babu
      Ansys Employee

      You can use MSPost Explorer for postprocessing. When you are importing d3plot files that contain ICFD, CESE, and EM solver results, it is automatically visible in LSPP. You can also activate it by going to Explorer and clicking on MSPost Explorer. Please see the below snapshot for displaying results for your reference.



      Raman Babu

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