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TE/TM mode

    • suruchi.bala


      This is regarding the confusion between the TE and TM mode. I have read the articles on ansys website but its still unclear. Do you please confirm, if the plane wave source is injected in x axis with polarisation angle zero, what field it will be TE or TM?




    • suruchi.bala


      The direction of propagation is x axis, angle is 0, Ex, Ey field is visible and no Ez. Similarly Hz is visible with no Hx and Hy.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee


      As mentioned previously, there are contradictory definitions for TE and TM modes.

      In FDTD and MODE (FDE, EME, VarFDTD) we call the mode with Ex,Ey and Hz as TE mode. For tightly confined modes, maybe none of the field components are zero. Those are actually the hybrid modes. For simplicity people still call them TE/TM modes.

      However, you can always call it differently based on your definition. Actually the terminology is not that important. it is the non-zero, or large transversal field components that matter. What do you think about this comment?



    • suruchi.bala


      'In FDTD and MODE (FDE, EME, VarFDTD) we call the mode with Ex,Ey and Hz as TE mode'. This sentence makes sense only when propagation direction is in z axis not otherwise. 


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Yes. for other traveling direction it is the same: when thre is only one H component it is called TE. For tightly confined modes, one H component is the largest among the three. As mentioned previosuly, for hybrid modes people also simplfy them to be TE TM. In such case you can check the fundamental modes for which tangential intensity is continuous with peak at the mode center. For TE/TM system it has only two, how to call them is really up to you and your definition.


    • suruchi.bala

      Thank you Guilin for helping.

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