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synchronous machine simulation in 3d

    • Syousefn


      I am currently working on simulating a 3D synchronous machine. I have encountered an issue with Ansys during the process.

      When I rotate the rotor at 1800 RPM, the rotor flux decreases, leading to incorrect results. Additionally, even before defining a motion setup for the rotor, when the speed is set to zero, the flux from the rotor windings appears to be incorrect.

      Could you kindly assist me in resolving this issue?

    • Bhargav Desai
      Ansys Employee

      Hi @Syousefn,

      Can you please share some additional information on the simulation?

      1. What kind of simulation are you running?
      2. What outcome are we looking at?
      3. What is the set-up you are using?
      4. What physics models are being used?
    • Syousefn
      1. What kind of simulation are you running?
        I am running a 3D transient simulation in ANSYS for a synchronous machine. 
      2. What outcome are we looking at?
        We are analyzing the torque and voltages of the stator and rotor as the primary outcomes. This helps evaluate the machine's performance, including torque ripple and electromagnetic behavior.
      3. What is the set-up you are using?
        The simulation is set up as a 3D model of a synchronous machine. The rotor rotates at 1800 rpm, with a current of 1 A and 1000 turns. The stator has 36 slots with a 2-layer winding structure, 50 turns per coil, and a current of 0.5 A. Boundary conditions account for electromagnetic coupling between the rotor and stator, and the materials are defined for iron and copper regions.
      4. What physics models are being used?
        The simulation uses electromagnetic transient analysis to study time-dependent behavior, including the interaction of magnetic fields between the rotor and stator, eddy currents, and core losses. The model also includes rotational motion and current excitation for accurate torque and voltage calculations.

        thank you so much for your attention.
    • Bhargav Desai
      Ansys Employee

      Thank you for the details.

      Additionally, what tool from Ansys are you using to run this simulation?

    • Syousefn

      Ansys Maxwell

    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      1.When I rotate the rotor at 1800 RPM, the rotor flux decreases, leading to incorrect results. 

      Could you let us know how did you check the rotor flux? Mag_B on rotor pole? It decreased, compared to which condition?

      2. Additionally, even before defining a motion setup for the rotor, when the speed is set to zero, the flux from the rotor windings appears to be incorrect.

      What is your rotor winding setup?

      I would recommend go to File>>Open example>>RMxprt>>synm3>>bjs7 , analyze the sync motor example, right click to generate a Maxwell model, and compare your setup with the example model.



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