LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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SPH Node To Beam element Contact

    • WooMin Jang

      Hi I'm modelling for Debris flow with SPH and Sturcture with Beam element

      I used ''CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_NODE_TO_SURFACE && _General'' and SOFT=1 contact

      but there's no error occured but no interaction happended between them.

      In case i used contact_beams_to_surface, there happens error message 'cannot find element of master segments'

      How can i solve it?? and In manual, it seems to be uncertain what can i use for this contact.. 

      Please let me know

      Thanks in advance

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee


      Have you tried single surface contact ?

      Cheers ram. 


      • WooMin Jang

        Sure but there's nothing changed.. 

        I have a question

        In LS-DYNA, how beam element's thickness can be considered? 

        I think the error message 'cannot find element of master segments ' gives me some hint that 

        in the model, beam element have no thickness to be contacted

        I double checked 'section_beam' and the thickness is rightly input.

    • Andreas Koutras
      Ansys Employee

      It seems the current contacts do not account for node-to-beam contact. An alternative is to wrap the beams with null shells and use the node-to-surface contact between the sph nodes and the null shells.

      • WooMin Jang

        I've researched for this few days. 

        I understand that this method is used with mat_null and shells,

        just for contact and cannot reflect bi-linear behavior of material right?

    • Loic Ivaldi
      Ansys Employee


      You should try the DEM method instead of SPH. With DEM you have a keyword to allow coupling : *DEFINE_DE_TO_BEAM_COUPLING.

      As stated by @Andreas I don't think node-to-beam contact is available.



      • WooMin Jang


        But could you let me know the reason why SPH cannot contact with beam but DEM can??


        • Loic Ivaldi
          Ansys Employee

          Probably a feature not as necessary in SPH as in DEM

          SPH is for modeling a continuous medium whereas DEM is intented for granular materials where it's more common to pass through a sieve or grid therefore a coupling between DEM and beam is needed

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