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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

SPaceclaim not appearing in student version of ansys workbench

    • fraser.shields

      SPaceclaim does not appear in the geometry tab in ansys workbench, why?


    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Fraser,

      Close all the Ansys applications.

      Go to Startà search “Product and CAD Configuration 202x Rx” and run it as admin.

      Follow the below steps: (while configuring products and unconfiguring products select all)

      Launch the application again.

      Let me know if the above solutions work for you.

    • fraser.shields

      Hi, thanks for the response, unfortunately this did not work. Any other suggestions other than reinstalling the software?

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Fraser,

      Is the standalone Spaceclaim application opening without any issues? If yes, please try these suggestions and check if the issue is resolved after each suggestion.

      1. Open Workbench and verify if Tools > Options >Geometry Import >Use SpaceClaim Direct Modeler as External CAD is NOT checked. Also, make sure SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is selected as Preferred geometry editor.
      2. Open Product & CAD Configuration Manager from START menu as Administartor> Install Required prerequisites. After installing, click on Unconfigure Products and CAD> Select all > Hit Next. After Unconfiguring, click on Configure Products and CAD> Select all and hit Next. Open workbench again.
      3. Open CAD Configuration Manager from START menu as Administartor > Check Spaceclaim>Hit Next> Configure Selected CAD Interfaces.
      4. Run this command as administartor in command prompt:

      reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SpaceClaim.AnsysSCDM.2xx /v Path /t Reg_Sz /d "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v2xx\SCDM"

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