3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Spaceclaim merging faces issue

    • rohith007k

      Hello, Iam trying to repair cad of DrivAer car model in spaceclaim. There is one particular region (as shown in the below picture), where the edges of the adjacent faces create a sigularity point and i need to get rid of it. I tried merging the face with the adjacent faces, but spaceclaim couldn't merge it. I tried deleting this face and other faces and creating a new face, but it didn't work as well. Can anybody please help me through this. Finally i need to mesh it using fluent meshing, therefore this clean up procedure is being done but iam stuck and not able to proceed further. Any suggestions please....! .Mail to rohith07k@gmail.com and let me know if the spaceclaim model is required, i will forward the file through mail. 

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You can use Fluent Meshing to generate surface mesh with this geometry. Then you can use improve surface mesh task to improve surface mesh which will help you to get good mesh at that position. 

      Avoid merging faces in SpaceClaim. It may give issues in meshing. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 

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    • rohith007k

      Thank you for the quick reply @ Keyur Kanade. As per your suggestion, I ran the fluent mesh for the geometry without merging the faces and iam getting a mesh. Now i need to refine my mesh. Thanks once again.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
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