3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.


    • downie

      The Session class in the SpaceClaim API provided a way to start a SpaceClaim session and load an AddIn DLL.

      Is there anything like that (currently or planned) for Discovery?

      Thank you.


    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Blair, 

      When you say start a SpaceClaim session through the Session class are you referring to a .NetRemoting call? Or something else?  

      I will check what the session class does but in general the way to start Discovery is to provide a path to the executable and a manifest file to load add-ins. There is no need of any class to achieve this. 



    • downie


      Below is the C++ code that we use to launch SpaceClaim and then load our Addin.



      // RunSpaceClaim.cpp : main project file.
      #include "stdafx.h"
      using namespace System;
      using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
      using namespace SpaceClaim::Api::V22;
      using namespace SpaceClaim::Api::V22::Extensibility;
      #ifdef SimModS140
       using namespace LuaFileExec;
       using namespace SC_SimScript;
      Session^ GetSpaceClaimSession() {
      ICollection^ SCsessions = Session::GetSessions();
      for each (Session^ s in SCsessions)
      return s;
      return nullptr;
      public ref class APICall {
      static String^ luaFile;
      static bool addinLoaded;
      static void CallAddin() {
      try {
      LuaInterpreter^ luaInterp = AddIn::GetInstance();
      if ( luaInterp != nullptr ) {
      addinLoaded = true;
      else {
      #ifdef SimModS140
      Console::WriteLine(L"Unable to create SpaceClaim addin LuaExecFile");
      Console::WriteLine(L"Unable to create SpaceClaim addin SC_SimScript");
      addinLoaded = false;
      catch (...) {
      #ifdef SimModS140
      Console::WriteLine(L"Unhandled exception thrown by our lua interpreter LuaExecFile");
      Console::WriteLine(L"Unhandled exception thrown by our lua interpreter SC_SimScript");
      addinLoaded = false;
      int main(array ^args)
          Console::WriteLine(L"Executing lua file within SpaceClaim");
          Console::WriteLine(L"Current working directory is {0}",IO::Directory::GetCurrentDirectory());
      String^ scdm = System::Environment::GetEnvironmentVariable("SCDM");
      Console::WriteLine(L"SpaceClaim executable directory is {0}", scdm);
      Session^ session = GetSpaceClaimSession();
      bool startSpaceClaim = false;
      if ( session == nullptr ) {
      try {
      StartupOptions^ sopts = gcnew StartupOptions(30000);
      sopts->ShowSplashScreen = false;
      sopts->ShowApplication = false;
      sopts->ManifestFile = args[0];
      sopts->ExecutableFolder = scdm;
      session = Session::Start(sopts);
      if ( session == nullptr ) {
      Console::WriteLine(L"Failed to start SpaceClaim");
      return 1;
      startSpaceClaim = true;
      catch (...) {
      Console::WriteLine(L"Failed to start SpaceClaim - unhandled exception");
      return 1;
      APICall::luaFile = args[1];
      int result = 0;
      try {
      WriteBlock::ExecuteTask( "run interpreter", gcnew Task(&APICall::CallAddin));
      catch (System::IO::FileNotFoundException^) {
      Console::WriteLine(L"ExecuteTask failed - file not found exception");
      result = 1;
      if (startSpaceClaim)
      if (!APICall::addinLoaded)
      result = 1;
          return result;


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