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Source position in FDTD cannot be changed

    • Markus Ratzke

      Version 2024 R2 (maybe also R1.3): Geometrical properties of a source cannot be changed using the properties dialog, all numbers revert to the standard values. However, dragging the object is possible.

      Is this a bug?


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Yes it is a bug. Please use script to set or use mouse to move. Sorry for the inconvenience .

    • Markus Ratzke


      We have another problem (R1.3): Sweeps are not running as expected – individual simulations are run but the “master” simulation is complaining about not being able to read the assigned output (wrong size)…


    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      This is mostly due to another issue: are you sweep geometry or simulaiton span and monitor field result? if so, the matrix does not work. YOu will need to use fixed mesh size and mesh points during the sweep.

      If this does not resolve the issue, please give the screenshots and the error message.

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