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General Mechanical

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SMART crack growth independent of load ramps

    • tobias.doerr

      Dear ladies and gentlemen, 

      I recently try to predict life cycles with the 3D crack growth tool SMART.

      However, the results depend on how the loads such as pressures or temperatures are ramped up.

      Is there a possibility, to start crack growth just after the first timestep, when all the loads are already at 100%?

      Otherwise, how can the fracture calculation made to be independent of the load ramp?

      Thank you very much.

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      To avoid the initial ramping up of loads, you can define the loads in step one at T=0s.



      Deepak K.

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    • tobias.doerr

      Thank you for your fast answer.

      I tried your proposal. Unfortunately, it seems to not be allowed together with fatigue crack growth.

      What can I do here?




    • tobias.doerr

      Activating beta features helped.

      Do the beta features have other impact on the calculation?

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