General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Simulation of a brick wall made with interlocking bricks

    • luizhenriquebarbosa16

      I'm working on a simulation currently, to calibrate a numerical model of a brick wall made with interlocking bricks and no mortar between bricks. I have de experimental data from the compression test as the reference to find a model close to reality.

      Yet, I'm having some problems in understanding how to set the contacts between bricks. I've tried to work with bonded contact, but it doesn't seem likely to be the answer. Also no separation inticates an error on the setting. I was thinking about trying the frictional contact, but I don't know much how to set it correctly. Does anyone have any tips for me?

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee

      There are lot of things to consider when you say frictional contacts. Some go from basics like keeping large deflection on, checking initial contacts to using different sovlers and much more. If you need specific information which would help your analysis. I would suggest you explain your setup with a few snipshots and results of your run from bonded and no separation contacts which makes you think that results from that run are not accurate. This way it reaches wider forum users. 
      And if you are looking for general guidelines - please check out this course which explains all the basics to set up a frictional contact

      Mohan Urs

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