General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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simulate the thin film thermoelectric cooler

    • q86121032

      I want to simulate a thin film (the thickness about 3.5 nm) thermoelectric cooler, what method should I use in Workbench?

      In addition, how to use shell175? Is it can be opened with Workbench?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee






      There is a thermo-electric cooler example in the help manual (Apdl coupled field ).

      2.2.3. Example: Thermoelectric Cooler Analysis

      Hope that helps.

      As for shell (shell157 not 175) they do not conduct heat or current through the thickness, and also no Seebeck and Peltier effect are possible, so not sure if they are useful here as one needs all that.

      All the best






    • Harshvardhan
      Ansys Employee

      In addition to what Erik has stated, i think you might find the following link helpful:
      5.11. Thermal-Electric Analysis (

      Also, just in case if you have any trouble finding the example Erik has shared, here is the link for it:
      2.2. Thermal-Electric Analysis (


    • q86121032

      thank you for your help
      But what I really want to know is whether there is a method in Workbench that can simulate thin-film thermoelectric cooler?

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