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Setting Up the Periodic Pressure Drop as an Output Parameter

    • Jan-Patrice SIMONEAU

      Hello, I am trying to follow the approach 1 of the document entitled "Setting Up the Periodic Pressure Drop as an Output Parameter". The first window is Ok :

      but Fluent does not create automatically the report definition, as it should do according to the document : 

      It is therefore not possible to follow the proess.

      Thanks for your help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which document is that?

    • Jan-Patrice SIMONEAU

      This is this document : https://support.ansys.com/knowledgeresources/getfile?fn=2067016_Periodic_pressure_drop_as_output_parameter_2021.pdf&fp=%2Fsolutions%2Fattach%2F2067016_Periodic_pressure_drop_as_output_parameter_2021.pdf

      link :  https://support.ansys.com/knowledgeresources/getfile?fn=2067016_Periodic_pressure_drop_as_output_parameter_2021.pdf&fp=%2Fsolutions%2Fattach%2F2067016_Periodic_pressure_drop_as_output_parameter_2021.pdf

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Did you use a periodic pair defined from the mesh or the non-conformal approach? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And have you run the model & displayed the "periodic static pressure" on the boundary?

    • Jan-Patrice SIMONEAU

      We use a non-conformal approach, ran the model and dispayed the periodic static pressure.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I wonder if the report is linked to the conformal option. On older cases the periodic was a single boundary so getting a "pressure" on both ends wasn't possible whereas the nonconformal option has an interface at each end. 

      It worked on a test case here, but the report only triggered after running the model. Good spot, and it'll give the solution author something to do for a day or two! :)  

    • Jan-Patrice SIMONEAU

      ok thanks, 

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