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Segmentation Fault : udf for scalar



      I am getting a segmentation fault error in fluent. After trying to use
      the following udf :

      #include "udf.h"
      #define tau_s 250.0
      #define alpha 3.63e-7
      #define beta 2.416
      #define cc 0.785
      DEFINE_SOURCE(hsource, c, t, dS, eqn)
      real source;
      real tau_xx, tau_yy, tau_zz, h_tau, tau_vm, h_l;

      h_l = C_UDSI(c,t,0);
      tau_xx = -2.*C_MU_L(c,t)*C_DUDX(c,t);
      tau_yy = -2.*C_MU_L(c,t)*C_DVDY(c,t);
      tau_zz = -2.*C_MU_L(c,t)*C_DWDZ(c,t);
      h_tau = 0.5*( pow(tau_xx + tau_yy + tau_zz,2) - (pow(tau_xx,2) + pow(tau_yy,2) + pow(tau_zz,2)));
      tau_vm = sqrt(-1*h_tau);

      if (tau_vm <= tau_s)
      source = 0;
      dS[eqn] = 0;
      source = pow(cc,1./beta)* pow(tau_vm, alpha/beta)*(1 - h_l) ;
      dS[eqn] = -pow(cc,1./beta)* pow(tau_vm, alpha/beta);
      return source;

      Below is the reported error.log :

      Node 1 Fatal signal raised sig = Segmentation fault
      25179dd0 CX_Primitive_Error
      66640cc0 seh_filter_exe
      251eb630 logical_right_shift
      5631f6a0 _C_specific_handler
      68a11fb0 _chkstk
      689c1020 RtlRaiseException
      68a10bd0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
      610e0000 Ordinal0
      241b4e30 user_sources
      2445d560 UDS_Derivatives
      2445d560 UDS_Derivatives
      22f81570 Models_Send_update_solve
      23648590 solver_update
      23644a30 Flow_Iterate
      22e58ae0 Set_panfs_optimum_file_layout
      251d5e60 eval
      22f5c7b0 PRF_Command_Start
      22f5eed0 PRF_Node_repl
      22f6a910 Delay_Error
      251eb630 logical_right_shift
      67d37020 BaseThreadInitThunk
      689c2630 RtlUserThreadStart

      Error [node 1] [time 7/26/24 16:32:6] Abnormal Exit!
      Node 1 Fatal signal raised sig = Segmentation fault
      19559dd0 CX_Primitive_Error
      bd930cc0 seh_filter_exe
      195cb630 logical_right_shift
      ac30f6a0 _C_specific_handler
      bfa11fb0 _chkstk
      bf9c1020 RtlRaiseException
      bfa10bd0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
      433c0000 Ordinal0
      18594e30 user_sources
      1883d560 UDS_Derivatives
      1883d560 UDS_Derivatives
      17361570 Models_Send_update_solve
      17a28590 solver_update
      17a24a30 Flow_Iterate
      17238ae0 Set_panfs_optimum_file_layout
      195b5e60 eval
      1733c7b0 PRF_Command_Start
      1733eed0 PRF_Node_repl
      1734a910 Delay_Error
      195cb630 logical_right_shift
      be3c7020 BaseThreadInitThunk
      bf9c2630 RtlUserThreadStart

      Error [node 1] [time 7/30/24 18:27:45] Abnormal Exit!

      Anyone has a clue what is happening? It is compiling and loading fine.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You may need to include mem.h  https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v242/en/flu_udf/flu_udf_DataAccessMacros.html?q=C_DUDX  Also check the scalars are set and have a value. 


      Hi Rob,

      It is still crashing with include "mem.h". 

      Should I allocate UDMs for C_MU_L(c,t), C_DUDX(c,t), C_DVDY(c,t), C_DWDZ ?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You shouldn't need UDMs, but double check those macros are available - you may need to tell Fluent to retain data as some of the gradients are not held in RAM by default. There's a TUI command in the manual regarding that. 


      Tried : /solve/set/expert
      Keep temporary solver memory for being freed? [no] yes

      No success.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Is h_tau always less than zero? Would using absolute(h_tau) be safer than SQRT(-1.x.h_tau)?

      You need to check though the code and make sure everything has a sensible value. 

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