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Scale Factor of Buckling Analysis

    • gfeng01


      I'm trying to make a nonlinear buckling analysis based on the model built for linear buckling. I'm told that scale factor would significantly affect the accuracy of the result in nonlinear analysis, but I don't know the definition of it. Could anybody tell me how to specify the value of scale factor?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      So say we have 10 mm movement say in x at the top of the structure then when we use a scale factor of 1 the mesh node there of the deformed configuration in the static system (system G say) will have moved and will be 10 mm in X relative the unreformed configuration (system E).

      Thus it is up to the user to provide a scaling factor that they are happy with. Ansys does not have a built in value (hence why we can enter whatever we like - it is user defined), so again it is as you can see up to the user to define that as they want.

      All the best

    • gfeng01

      Thanks for your answer! I wonder if the scale factor would have any impact on the result of deformation? Or it just changes the effect of visualization?
      Regards Guodong
    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      As we said the scale factor as you use it will generate a deformed imperfect geometry, so it really changes your geometry in system G (it is a deformed geometry) so if you have a half sine as buckling mode for a simple beam, then your geometry will be depending the scale factor like a half sine shape beam - try that and you will see in your static system (G) that the geometry follows the shape of your buckling mode, which is the first one in your screenshot. The higher the scale factor the more deformed the geometry will be. The user as we say needs to define how much we deform and make an imperfect geometry.

      I will leave that with you. All the best.

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