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Saving particle radii values for particles that hit a wall.


    • kiran.purushothamakeshavan


      I'm interested in looking at adhesive force an incoming particle might have on the particles which have been sticking to the wall virtually.

      To show virtual sticking of the particle on a wall a force/ moment balance has been imposed where if the conditions are right the particles are trapped else it bounces off the surface.

      I need to use the radii of the particle that has recently adhered to the surface with the radii of a completely new incoming particle, to calculate the force of adhesion between them.

      Is there a way to save and use the radii of the particles to calculate forces between the most recent to the incoming particle that is about to hit the wall?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Not easily as an adhered particle is usually removed from the domain, and with UDMs you're recording facet data (ie mass of impact etc). 

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