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Running Ansys Fluent from commands

    • blanca.cerda

      I am trying to work with Ansys Fluent from Symbol System prompt. But I am having some troubles to write and save the data. 
      From the pc I set up all the conditions, mesh, and everything just to start solving. I have to solve this on another computer where I don´t have the graphics to see workbech, it works just from commands. Now I am trying to figure it out how to properly do it. 
      I can open fluent from Symbol Sytem prompt, I tried to Run Calculation doing these steps:
      fluent 2ddp –g –t10 –case
      and then to save I use the command:

      What I am doing wrong?

      I would really appretiate any help

      Best regards,


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      There's a section in the User's Guide covering launching & loading a journal. I'd tend to favour setting time step size etc in the case and where possible initialising the model. That simplifies the run journal to:

      /file/rcd myfile

      iterate command - check in the Fluent TUI for the exact syntax   it'll probably be /solve/iterate something

      /file/wcd myfile_%t




      Note the first / ensures the command is always launched from the top menu. %t appends the file with the time step. 

      That will run Fluent in stand alone mode, and no need to use Workbench at any point in the process. 

    • blanca.cerda

      Hello Rob,
      first of all, thanks for your reply. 

      A few questions, 
      Which file i supposed to open with the comand "/file/rcd myfile", It suggest the *.cas.h5 file, the only one I get without running the solution in workbech its the file: "FFF.1-Setup-Output.cas.h5" but after running and loading the mesh and boundary conditions, i got an error message saying that the same file wasn't found. 

      Then, for solving, in the "Run Calculation" I use Numer of time step, size of time step, and max number of iterations per time step. What command do u suggest to use to run the calculation and to save the file?
      Thanks in advance,

    • blanca.cerda

      And then, 
      I think I didn't explain myself well.
      I set up everything in my computer with workbench (including what do I want for results: like contours of velocity and temperature, particle tracking, etc). Then, I want to run this in other computer that I can just see a command window (this computer is Linux System) then I want to copy all the files after simulating in this computer to my computer and open it on workbench to see the results. 

      I hope to be clear this time

      Best regards, 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK. Move out of Workbench. Copy the file(s) into a new working folder and launch Fluent from that folder using either the Fluent icon in Start or command line. Unless you're using any of the WB parametric features there is no reason to use WB, and several to not use WB. 

      • blanca.cerda



        Which files? because I still have troubles of saving the simulation. 
        And i have questions about commands above that hasn.t been aswered:
        ”A few questions, 
        Which file i supposed to open with the comand “/file/rcd myfile”, It suggest the *.cas.h5 file, the only one I get without running the solution in workbech its the file: “FFF.1-Setup-Output.cas.h5” but after running and loading the mesh and boundary conditions, i got an error message saying that the same file wasn’t found. 

        Then, for solving, in the “Run Calculation” I use Number of time step, size of time step, and max number of iterations per time step. What command do u suggest to use to run the calculation and to save the file?”

        And one more question, how do I preset where I want the files to be saved? Maybe that's why I cannot find them.

        Thanks in advance,



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      In Fluent once is set up use the GUI File>Export>Case (and data if you can initialise the model). That's the one you need for running in standalone mode. 

      When running Fluent in standalone it will usually save to the working directory. However, if you've managed (or WB has!) to save a full path to the system it'll go somewhere random. So, it may be worth going through the file save, and any monitors to check the output isn't set to C:user/whatever/stuff/something....  

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