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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.


    • kagangencc

      Hi everyone,


      I have a problem at the beginning of my run. I do not think so this is related to the keywords. I think it is related to the excessive number of elements that are included to the model. It might require something different. I use approx. 10 milyon elements for this run and got the error seen below.  When I create same model with a coarser mesh combination it works smoothly.



       Beginning of keyword reader                  09/20/21 16:40:59


       *** Error 70057 (OTH+57)

         can not open file on unit 56 iostat= 30


      forrtl: FormatMessage failed for system message number 1450.forrtl: severe (30): open failure, unit 56, file C:UsersdoanqOneDriveDesktop6mm meshedfort.56


      Stack trace terminated abnormally.



      Does anyone know what's wrong in that model?


      Best regards,


      Oguz Kagan GENC

    • Mike Rife
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @kagangencc try using a folder that is not on MS OneDrive. OneDrive has functionality, such as auto-backup, that can make a file temporarily not available. And the larger the file, the more time it is not available. I've not seen this specific message for LS-Dyna, but have run into very similar problems for other applications i.e. WB Mechanical (with MAPDL solver).
    • kagangencc
      Hi again Thank you so much for your answer. Even if I moved the document to another file which is not in the OneDrive and completely closed the OneDrive back-up, I get the same error interestingly. I use double precision because "single precision" does not allow to run this kind of big runs including approx. 20milyon elements. The error that I got after changing e path of the file is seen below. Does anybody know what else to do?
      *** Error 70057 (OTH+57)
      can not open file on unit 56 iostat= 30
      forrtl: FormatMessage failed for system message number 1450.forrtl: severe (30): open failure, unit 56, file C:\2x2x1 5 mm meshed\fort.56
      Stack trace terminated abnormally.
      Best Regards
      Oguz Kagan GENC
    • Mike Rife
      Ansys Employee
      try taking out the space in the path. And don't name the folder with a leading number.
    • kagangencc

      What do you mean by taking out the spce in the path? I have enough space on the disk if you mean that.
      I changed the file name. However, the same error seen on the screen.
      Oguz Kagan GENC
    • Mike Rife
      Ansys Employee
      The working directory, where the solution files exist, seems to be:
      C:\2x2x1 5 mm meshed\
      There is a space between the 1 and the 5; between the 5 and the mm; and between the mm and the word meshed.

    • kagangencc

      Thank you so much for your response. However, it seems it did not work even if I did all you said.
      *** Error 70057 (OTH+57)
      can not open file on unit 56 iostat= 30
      forrtl: FormatMessage failed for system message number 1450.forrtl: severe (30): open failure, unit 56, file C:\deneme\fort.56

      Stack trace terminated abnormally.
    • Mike Rife
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @kagangencc can you post the command line you are using to start the analysis. Also the first few lines of the input file. There is something about the file that is causing the input/output error (io).
    • kagangencc

      The command line options seen below. I use double precision.
      I think I found the problem. Whenever I try to open k file in notepad to show the first few lines in that, I get an error like seen below.
      I think the computer also can not open and start the run due to this reason. But this is just my guess. Do you know how can I solve that problem?

      Oguz Kagan GENC

    • Mike Rife
      Ansys Employee
      that really should not matter (the size of the input file). You can try Notepad++ or TextPad. Each can open very large text files. There are others out there; those are just two I have tried. Can you post more of the output please.

    • kagangencc

      Thanks for your contribution to solve my issue again. I tried many things again and the is not related to the text editor. I just want to inform you and everbody who will read this section of the website. The problem is compeletley related to the lack of memory. I track the RAM process after I start the run and observed that after the RAM comes to its maximum allocation value the solver gives this error. My model has apprx. 25 million elements and needs to allocate more memory than my workstation has. I am not sure how I can calculate the required memory for that model but my computer could not run any model over 2000m word(memory=2000m). Whenever I put this value to the execution line it works. If I put larger value, it does not work and the solver leads me to use double precision. As you know double precision needs more memory. So, it seems that it is imposslbe to run this extensive model in my computer.
      On the other hand, I am looking for a solution to run this model in another computer that I can use remotely such rengtin a server or using acquintance's system. But the computer that I will rent or use remotely will not have a ls-dyna solver because my license is only valid on my computer. So that, is there any way to run a k file on other's computer even it does not have a ls-dyna solver on it?

      Best regards
      Oguz Kagan GENC
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