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Rotating object with fixed axis of rotation


    • Anunda Chuenlerssakul

      Hi all,

      I am having a problem on the rotating the object, the whole object was rotated apart from the axis of rotation when I assign the rotating around the x/y axis. Does anyone know how can I setting to fix the axis of rotation.


      Thank you so much.


    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Anunda,

      If you want to rotate the object about the centre of the axis you need to rotate it around the Z axis, not X/Y axis.



    • Anunda Chuenlerssakul

      Hi Navya,

      Sorry for the confusion, I mean I want to rotate the object in X and Y axis but want to fix the rotor at the center point. Because my object(rotor) is move out from the center point when I rotate the rotor in X and Y axis

    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Anunda,

      I did not understand what you meant when you said- " rotate the object in X and Y axis but want to fix the rotor at the centre point." Because if you rotate the whole geometry around X axis it will change the center.

      What are you referring to as object, rotor and center? Please mark these on your image and elaborate on how you want your final model to look.



    • Anunda Chuenlerssakul

      Hi Navya,


      here is the image to illustrate more on my problem. Hope this make more clearer.


      Best regards,


    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Anunda,

      If I understand correctly, you only want to tilt the object by a few degrees but it is rotating more than 180 degrees.

      Can you confirm if you are following the below process?

      Select the objects you want to rotate, under the Draw tab select Rotate.

      On the popup window select the axis and give the required angle of rotation,



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