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rocky orientation vectors

    • parsaary

      Hi, Could you please let me know how to export data regarding the orientation vectors (x,y,z) for each particle in a simulation (for instance, exporting tabulated data of the image below)? Currently all i can do is obtain averages or histograms. Thanks!


    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee


      It is possible to export any particle data from the Properties tab for each particle by using the PrePost Scripting. Check on its manual here.

      For this case, it will be written as something like

      project = app.GetProject()
      study = project.GetStudy()
      particles = study.GetParticles()
      orientation_vector = particles.GetGridFunction('Orientation : Vector : X').GetArray(time_step=i)

      it will save the data for all particles as an array that you can export using python. 


      best regards,






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