General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Rivet and double riveted joint

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      How to model rivet and double rivet joint? Can we use beam connection? Or if in 3D, what contacts to be given ? 

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      Please refer to this post: Lap Joint Rivet Analysis



    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      Thanks for link of discussion. Can we use beam connection instead of 3D rivet?

      • Deepak
        Ansys Employee

        For double rivets, using a beam connection is not a feasible option.

        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          For double riveted, we have to mandatorily go ahead with the 3D model and connections ? Or anyother method similar to beam connection ? 

        • Deepak
          Ansys Employee

          You can try with 1D line Elements.

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      ok. But in beam connection we get to choose the surface areas of imprints , right ? so on first plate top and second plate bottom, both the areas can be selected. Any specific reason that this wll give incorrect answer? 

      • Deepak
        Ansys Employee

        You cannot scope the beam connection to the middle plate in a Double rivet Joint.

        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          'Scope to the middle plate'? There are only two plates that we are considering here, right? 

        • Deepak
          Ansys Employee

          Sorry, I thought butt joint; if you are using Lap Joint, you can go with the use of a beam connection.

        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          Thanks for the clarification. Also IF we consider Butt joint, we should use 'Extract' option in spaceclaim to convert rivet into line body, right? in this case, we will have to remove rivet head and tail parts, right because those parts wont be converted into 1D.

        • Deepak
          Ansys Employee

          Yes, you are right.

        • deepesh.p.gurdasani


          Also, for Riveted butt joint, The contacts to be given to 1D elemnt would be same as the link mentioned by you in one of the above messages ? 

          Here, upper vertex of 1D element to upper surface (Or projected surface of the head that was removed) on the plate – Frictional

          1D element shank to holes of “only” “middle plate” (As first and third plate will have contact with the vertex of 1D element) – Frictional 

          Lower vertex of 1D element to third plate’s surface (Or projected surface of the tail that was removed) – Frictional

          AND Contacts between 1st to 2nd plate & 2nd to 3rd plate – Frictional 

          Is it correct? 


        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          If anyone can guide? 

          Thanks in advance.

        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          Is there a need to create separate post for this query ?

        • Deepak
          Ansys Employee


          Sorry for the delay in my response,

          You may define the MPC contact between vertex and head imprints. The remaining contacts are correct.



        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          Thanks for your response. MPC won't work for 'Frictional'. MPC is only working in 'Bonded'. In real scanario the head and tail of rivets are to be in contact as 'Frictional', right ?

        • Deepak
          Ansys Employee

          Now you replaced the head with a 1D element, bonded contact would be a better option.

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      Any specific reason for that, Deepak? because real scenario wouldn't have bonded contact with the plate.

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee

      Frictional contact is a nonlinear contact type and is slightly more computationally expensive than linear contacts like bonded or no separation. However, using a linear contact in place of a frictional one in such scenarios would be an oversimplification and could adversely impact the accuracy of the results.

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      Ok. I tried this. Till I am using 'Force' as a load, this runs ok but as soon as I change/apply it to 'acceleration', it shows error "Internal magnitude exceeded' . 

      • Deepak
        Ansys Employee


        Make sure the model is constrained properly.

        Can you share any screenshots of the model?


    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      This is the model (Quite simple model)




      • Deepak
        Ansys Employee

        Let me try it at my end.

        • deepesh.p.gurdasani

          Hello Deepak, did you try?

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