January 11, 2024 at 8:03 pm
Cristhian Mendez
I have been working with Rigid Dynamic to replicate a Kinematic from CATIA:
Picture 1: Kinematic
I almost finish, but I am current facing a problem when I try to bond 2 parts, which are a sheet metal and a plastic overmold:
Picture 2: Bonded parts
You can see what is the expected behaviour in the picture 1.Â
I've already defined the respectively joint for both parts and test them individually to see if they behave as I expect in free state:
Picture 3: Overmold behave
Picture 4: Sheet metal behave
They look good. So, now I need to bond them to get the whole result.
For that I have set a Fixed joint :
Picture 5: Fixed Joint (Metal sheet + overmold)
Then I run the solver, but I got a failure during the solution process. Solution information attached below.
I have done several things to try to solve it, but I haven't success. Can you help me with this case?
Solution information
Initializing transient simulation
   Position correction is enabled.
   Velocity correction is enabled.
   Correction uses Pure Kinematic.
   Assembly uses Inertia Matrix.
   Creating Internal Loads
   Creating Flexible Bodies Internal Drivers
   Updating Loads and Drivers Based On Internal Joint Representation
   Updating Stops Based On Internal Joint Representation
   Creating Stops Contact Points
   Updating Relations Based On Internal Joint Representation
   Initializing Transient Analysis
   Starting assembly simulation
   Stopped Stop Minimum Bound on Joint General - 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 To 29 31094 -.1\29 31434|00 -.1\(29 31434)_PUSH ROD RH OVERMOLD|Solid.15, DOF 1 during initial assembly
   Stopped Stop Minimum Bound on Joint General - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31127 -.1\(29_31127)_PIN_MEC_4|Solid.3, DOF 0 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31092 -.1\(29_31092)_PANEL CARRIER OVERMOLDING_RH|Solid.12 To 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31092 -.1\(29_31092)_PANEL CARRIER OVERMOLDING_RH|Solid.12 To 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31092 -.1\(29_31092)_PANEL CARRIER OVERMOLDING_RH|Solid.12 To 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31092 -.1\(29_31092)_PANEL CARRIER OVERMOLDING_RH|Solid.12 To 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31092 -.1\(29_31092)_PANEL CARRIER OVERMOLDING_RH|Solid.12 To 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31092 -.1\(29_31092)_PANEL CARRIER OVERMOLDING_RH|Solid.12 To 29 31113 -.1\29 31308 -.1\29 31381|00 -.1\(29 31381)_LIFT_CAMSLOT_OTR_RH|Solid.2 during initial assembly
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Convergence reached after 5 Iteration
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 during initial assembly
   Analysis of model redundancies:
   Joint Fixed - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31105 -.1\(29_31105)_TILT_LEVER_RH|Solid.3 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 shows some constraint redundancies
   X Rotation constraint equation was at time redundant
   Y Rotation constraint equation was at time redundant
   Starting transient simulation
   Using MJ Time Stepping time integration
   Force residual tolerance is 1.000000e-07
   Position constraint residual tolerance is 1.000000e-08
   Velocity constraint residual tolerance is 1.000000e-08
   Integration tolerance is off
   Model Summary:
   Number of effective bodies: 15
   Total Number of Joints: 17 (14 based on degrees of freedom, 3 based on constraint equations)
       3 Joints of Type General
       2 Joints of Type Point On Curve
       3 Joints of Type Revolute
       1 Joint of Type SingleRotationGeneralJoint
       8 Joints of Type Weld
   Number of Physical Degrees of Freedom: 14
   Stopped Forced Frictional Sliding - 29 31100 01F.1\29 31109 01F.1\29 31102 -.1\(29_31102)_PIN MEC_1|Solid.9 To 29 31100 01F.1\29 31107 -.1\(29 31107)_BEARING TILT LEVER WITH ROLLO SPRING|Solid.368 at 0
   Murty's algorithm reached maximum number of iterations: 289
   Last 3 minimal values are -3.788397e-02 -4.214779e+10 -3.788397e-02
   PSOR algorithm reached maximum number of iterations: 289
   Initial residual 7.136916e+01 Last 3 residual values are 8.065929e-01 8.065929e-01 8.065929e-01
*** Warning:
   None of the LCP solvers succeeded, Abort computation.
   No set of active contact stops can satisfy all the constraint equations. Solve cannot proceed
 Solve failed
   InitializeTransientDynamics failed -
January 12, 2024 at 12:52 am
SubscriberPut both sheet metal and overmold bodies into a single component. In that way, no Fixed Joint is needed.
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