We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.


    • ivan.beltracchi

      Hi everyone. While I was uploading a mesh in Fluent, the software crashed for a few seconds and after that the ribbon window and the console disappeared. I've also tried to upload the file again in a second moment using the Fluent in standalone, but the problem still persists. 

      Could someone suggest me how to solve this problem and restore the default windows?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's new. There's a folder in %appdata% for Ansys, possibly a couple. Close Fluent and any other Ansys products then rename that/those folders. 

    • ggege0524

      I have the same problem. I searched for  %appdata% and there was one folder called Ansys. I renamed it to Ansys_old, and reopened the Fluent, but that didnt solve the problem. 

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee


      Try the following:
      1. Rename the %APPDATA%\Ansys directory to Ansys_old1
      2. Run Programs->Ansys 2024 R2->Product & Cad Configuration

      Choose: Unconfigure Products & Cads
      After that finishes, Choose:
      Configure Products & Cads

      After that is finished, exit and try to run. Does this allow the Ribbons to appear?

      Best Regards,

    • ggege0524

      Nope, it still doesn't work. I even tried it twice. 

      I had already two folders Ansys  and Ansys_old ( I renamed it yestarday, after reading Rob's thread). 

      Then, today i renamed both of them, and now I have four files, see below. 

      Then I unconfigured and reconfigured Products and Cads. You can tell that something changed, because I get the same notifications, I got when i installed Ansy for the first time ( like choosing the theme for example), but the ribbon is not there. If you right click in Fluent, it offers you different options, like console, workflow, task page,etc, but the option ribbon is grayed out.


    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      When you renamed the %APPDATA%\Ansys folder, were all Ansys programs closed?
      If Fluent was still open when %APPDATA%\Ansys was renamed, it could still write incorrect setup information to it.

      Also, has anything changed as far a graphics goes?
      Has the  resolution changed?

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
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