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Residual stress

    • hesamkeshavarzz



      dear @Peteroznewman I would be so grateful if you could help me


      Imagine that you have a bent shaft that is straightened and now you want to monut a diak by shrink fit on it. to do so you need to first bend the shaft and obtain residual stress, then you should apply this stress on a straight shaft in the second analysis. ok? I dont wanna compound two stresses, If I wanted to do so the job was so straightforward and could be done in 2 load steps. In fact I want to model shrink fit in a shaft cut from a prestressed metal.therefore I need to export my undeformed shaft that has no strain meanwhile carry residual stress with it. but When I map my residual stress to the second analysis the solve button gets active.


      any help will be appreciated.

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee


      You can try this Importing stress data into a new analysis (ansys.com)

      The user here has used explicit dynamics but the approach stays same.

      Let me know how it works out,


      • hesamkeshavarzz


        Thank you so much for your help dear Mohan

        Ican successfully export the stress, but thea problem is that, I want to apply them in such a way as there is no strain in the second analysis. is it possible in ansys? In fact Im trying to simulate a shaft that is cut from a prestressed metal. therefore first I should obtain the residual stress and then apply it on a straight shaft. In other words I must restore the deformation while conservating the stress.


        • mohan.urs
          Ansys Employee


          Sorry I don't think i was able to understand your problem fully. Can you try adding some images and then try to explain your problem through it.


        • hesamkeshavarzz

          I really appreciate your quick replies dear Mohan. we want to simulate shrink fit on a shaft that has prestress due to manufacture process. so we should some how apply stress on the shaft so that this stress play the role of the residual stress, while the shaft has no deformation. Thank you 

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