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General Mechanical

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Request for Wear Simulation File Extension

    • 21p920

      I currently doing final year project on wear analysis, I am in need of archard wear extension file to compete my Ansys simulation work. Kindly please help me with it.  

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi 21p920

      It's not clear what you are asking for; what 'Archard Wear Extension File' are you asking about?

      To get started with modeling wear in WB Mechanical have you reviewed this example yet?


    • 21p920

      Thank You for Your reply!! I have gone through this but to do wear simulation We have to import Archard's wear simulation file into Ansys workbench. Is it like that?

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi 21p920

      The WB project archive is available in the last sub-chapter of the example.  Also the problem dimensions are given in the second sub-chapter so you could create the CAD on your own.  

    • 21p920

      I will check it, thank you so much for your time.

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