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Request for Assistance with ANSYS 2022 R2 Software and CHEMKIN/Thermo Files

    • Opeyemi Eso
      Premixed combustion  
      I am currently using ANSYS 2022 R2 software. I have been trying to use the CHEMKIN and Thermo files on it for some time now. I eventually used a file from Lawrence Livermore National Lab:https://combustion.llnl.gov/archived-mechanisms/hydrogen.
      I picked the Premixed Combustion model, in that case, it warns that the premixed combustion model may be removed in future releases and automatically switches off the energy. Therefore, I had to use the Species transport model.
      Upon importing both CHEMKIN and Thermo files and selecting the Species transport, I encountered the following error: '0, Failure in pre-processing of gas-phase chemistry mechanism'. 
      Even though Fluent correctly identifies all the species, the Temperature did not change from the initial value (300k), which I suspect is due to the failed import of the files. 
      Kindly intervene in this matter. Thank you for your continued support.
      Best regards,
    • Ren
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, Sam,

      Please look into a file called chem.out in the working directory for error messages. It's possible that there are errors (including formating errors) in the mechanism input files. You can also review the species names and reactions in the mixture material that are automatically created by Fluent after importing the chemical mechanism to check if everything looks as expected.


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