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Reporting of Trajectory Fates

    • DXS200048

      In the steady state simulation, dpm reports particles trapped, escaped and incomplete as a summary. How to get such information in case of transient simulation?
      This is output I got 

      Advancing DPM injections ....
      number tracked = 1000
      Flow time = 11s, time step = 11
      4 more time steps

      Updating solution at time level N...

        iter     time/iter
      I want the information of particles trapped and incomplete in each time step. How can I get it?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Same way, but by the looks of it your particles haven't reached the outlet yet. DPM Summary (DPM.out) will return parcel mass etc if you want a more complete picture of what's going on. 

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