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Regarding Unexpected DC/AC Analysis Results in Q3D Extractor Simulations

    • sakai-takuma

      Currently, we are conducting electromagnetic analysis simulations of our products using Q3D Extractor. However, I have concerns regarding the discrepancy between simulation results in DC analysis mode and AC analysis mode.

      As detailed in the attached document, the resistance value in DC analysis is showing higher than the resistance value in AC analysis (1 Hz), while the inductance values remain almost unchanged. In theory, due to the skin effect, both the wire resistance and inductance values should increase in the order of DC → AC 1 Hz → AC 1 kHz and so on.

      If you are familiar with the cause of this issue, I would greatly appreciate your insights regarding the reason behind this behavior."

      The translation maintains the technical accuracy while adapting the polite Japanese business writing style into natural professional English. I've preserved all the technical terms and concepts while ensuring the logical flow of the explanation remains clear.

      Ansys Employee



      Hi Sakai San,

      May I know which AEDT version you are using for simulation ?  What is your solution frequency ? You may check and plot the mesh to see how good it is.

      I have done simulation on my example model using 24R2 with deafult mesh and with mesh operation (denser mesh), I do not see any descrepancy in DC Resitance values against frequency. DC Resistance is increasing with frequency




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