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Regarding error in my FEA analysis of Drone body

    • me22b1043

      Hi, I am trying to do a Static Structural analysis for my UAV drone body to calculate deformation, stress, and, strain. Still, I cannot get the correct solution due to a Solver Pivot Checking error.
      I tried turning off the Solver Pivot Checking but the deformation is 0. I think my mesh is good except two are very bad (attaching the mesh quality worksheet too).
      I also used the status under contact tool to deal with the bad contacts & over-constraints but there are still a couple of zones with the error, is that what caused the answer to 0?
      I also did this with another similar model but no over-constraints came up but the answer is still 0. I also tried changing the fixed support to the bottom of my carbon plate and then the plate got deformed along the Y axis leading it to look like a loaf of bread. I appreciate any kind of help. Thank you.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Try performing a modal analysis and check for the rigid body modes - modes with large deformation and natural frequencies being 0.


      Ashish Khemka

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