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Reflection and transmission values do not add up to 1

    • ldepra

      Hello, I am currently trying to simulate a 40nm thin film of Au using FDTD with a plane wave incidence at 1550nm, 0BW. 

      After analyzing my results I have noticed that my reflection and transmission values are not making sense. I am currently using Periodic boundaries along the directions of NON-propagation and PML boundaries along the direction of propagation. I also have listed the script below if anyone is interested in the setup.


      selectall; deleteall; clear;






      #Setting up simulation region


      set("background index",1);

      set("x min",-slab_x/2-5000e-9);

      set("x max",slab_x/2+5000e-9);

      set("y min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("y max",slab_yz/2);

      set("z min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("z max",slab_yz/2);

      set("x min bc","PML");

      set("x max bc","PML");

      set("y min bc","Periodic");

      set("y max bc","Periodic");

      set("z min bc","Periodic");

      set("z max bc","Periodic");

      #set("mesh type","uniform");







      #Setting Up Plane Wave


      set("injection axis","x");


      set("y min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("y max",slab_yz/2);

      set("z min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("z max",slab_yz/2);

      set("center wavelength",1.55e-6);

      set("wavelength span",0.0e-6);



      #Setup Gold Material


      set("x min",-slab_x/2);

      set("x max",slab_x/2);

      set("y min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("y max",slab_yz/2);

      set("z min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("z max",slab_yz/2);

      set("material","Au (Gold) - Palik");



      #Setting Up Monitors R


      set("Monitor Type","2D X-Normal");


      set("y min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("y max",slab_yz/2);

      set("z min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("z max",slab_yz/2);


      #Setting Up Monitors R


      set("Monitor Type","2D X-Normal");


      set("y min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("y max",slab_yz/2);

      set("z min",-slab_yz/2);

      set("z max",slab_yz/2);



      #Adding Movie


      set("x min",-slab_x/2-5000e-9);

      set("x max",slab_x/2+5000e-9);


    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Lucio,

      If the source is injected in the +x/y/z direction, then the transmission will be positive and reflection will be negative by convention.

      So, when you add up the transmission and reflection make sure you use T - R (where R will be negative by convention).

      If it is along the -x/y/z directions, use -T + R (where T will be neagtive by convention).


      That being said, I would still expect gold to have a finite amount of absorption at 1550 nm. So, I would expect the sum of transmission and reflection to be less than 1. I will recommend performing convergence testing to confirm the validity of the results, especially if you think they are unreasonable at the moment.



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