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Reference Temperature in Heat Transfer Coefficient Post CFD-Urgent Please

    • Samia Sadaf

      could anyone please tell me in water flow boiling simulation through horizontal microchannel on Ansys Fluent with inlet velocity of 0.01m/s and inlet temperature of 372.15K. I have applied temperature on both upper and lower wall to induce boiling and saturation temperature has been taken as water boiling point temperature 373.15K in Lee model on ansys fluent. so for HTC from Q=hA(Twall-Tref),what temperature should I take as reference temperature ? Inlet temperature of water or Saturation temperature of water?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Whichever one you want. HTC is a made up number to help with comparison, what Fluent will solve is the energy field, so the wall temperature and heat flux. HTC is just a reported value. 

    • Samia Sadaf

      Thanks Rob,I don't understand as I have to mention this in the 'reference values' tab in Fluent setup before going to calculation. In Twall-Tref...I am giving the temperature 374.15K on walls for water to boil in microchannel and If I compute from inlet,inlet temperature gets selected in 'reference values',but this is giving HTC in thousands W/m2.K  for Delta T=1K,which does not make any sense.

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