Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

Re-using an Optislang project built in 7.5.1

    • jon.powell

      I am attempting to re-use an Optislang project we built around 2019 in release 7.5.1  I hope to use it at release 2024 R1 and I obviously expect to update executable filepaths etc.  One of the first things I have noticed is that the Ansys Workbench integration used in the original workflow is deprecated (status.) Is there a way to painlessly replace the deprecated integration with a new version?

    • Andreas Grosche
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jon, as discussed in our support case I publish the steps here again - maybe it's interesting for others, too.
      Prereqisite is to open and save the old WB project in a new WB version with optiSLang ACT extension installed. Then switch to 
      optiSLang desktop app and:

      - open the old .opf file
      - search ANSYS Workbench node in modules and drag it to the scenery
      - open the WB project here, register parameter and responses
      - pay attention on the names, optiSLang introduced changes including the WB parameter ids (P01_...) as part of the name
      - in case your names are unique without the ids you could rename the optiSlang parameters to the previous names
      - if you used input or output slots for connections with other nodes, then create the same slots in the new node
      - you can insert the new node in the existing workflow chain now and replace the deprecated one there
      - all other definitions like bounds, types, dependencies, ... are usually made in parent (algorithmic) systems and if 
        the names of the new node are equal to the old ones, all these settings should stay the same
      - slot connections need to be reestablished, only ODesign->IDesign is used by default

      In the past years many things in optiSLang's Workbench integration have changed, in fact the complete
      technology behind this integration has changed (from SDK to ACT API) - that's why the old nodes are still
      available when you open an old project for compatibility reasons but it's strongly recommended to replace them
      with the newer versions.

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