March 27, 2025 at 11:47 am
Tim T
SubscriberI defined "*ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 1" and "*ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 2" with *ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH and coupled them to the same Lagrange unit as ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 1 and ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 2 respectively,I set TDEATH=20 for *ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 1, *ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 2 TDEATH=default, when the calculation time reaches 20 the program will *ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 1, ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 1 and ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 2 were deleted at the same time, which caused my calculation failure. The specific error is shown in the figure. How should I set the keywords so that the program only removes *ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 1 and ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 1 and let the program continue? What I mean is that the program automatically removes ALE_STRUCTURED_MESH # 1 and ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 1 and then ALE_STRUCTURED_FSI # 2 and the Lagrange cell continue to function until I reach the computation termination time I set.
March 28, 2025 at 4:37 pm
Ian Do
Ansys EmployeeHi Tim,
Pls describe the details of the physics being modeled. ALE domain is not treated simply as a LAG part, and therefore it is dangerous to just "delete" one. I need to know what you are modeling and why you need to do this to maybe suggest an approach.
Ian Do
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