General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Question about contour violency at conctact region

    • JooJaehoon
      I'm conducting 2D structural anallysis with figure consists of components clamped by clamping volt.
      In my analysis, there is a stress contour violency at contact region between two components.
      I attached picture containing shape, contour, properties, contact condition.
      Can you make me know why this phenomenon occured and how can I fix it?
    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      I don't know the word "violency."  Is it the same as "variation?"  If it means variation, are the varying result related to the mesh?  Perhaps the mesh is too coarse on one side of the contact pair.

      • JooJaehoon

        Yes, I intend to "violency" as "variation"

        I attached mesh profile.

        I made coarse meshing at left component because of it just have role of transport force.

        Did variation occurred by mesh size difference?

        thank you

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