Ansys Cloud

Ansys Cloud

Topics cover installation and licensing of Ansys Cloud

    • 24M1667
      ! Define parameters
      *SET, M1, 1.0       ! Mass 1
      *SET, M2, 1.0       ! Mass 2
      *SET, M3, 1.0       ! Mass 3
      *SET, M4, 1.0       ! Mass 4
      *SET, K1, 10.0      ! Spring constant 1
      *SET, K2, 10.0      ! Spring constant 2
      *SET, K3, 10.0      ! Spring constant 3
      *SET, K4, 10.0      ! Spring constant 4
      *SET, C, 0.5        ! Damping coefficient
      ! Define the model
      /FILNAME, FourMassSystem, 1
      ! Create nodes
      N, 1, 0, 0
      N, 2, 1, 0
      N, 3, 2, 0
      N, 4, 3, 0
      ! Create elements (Spring elements)
      ET, 1, LINK180
      R, 1, K1
      R, 2, K2
      R, 3, K3
      R, 4, K4
      KEYOPT, 1, 1, 1
      KEYOPT, 2, 1, 1
      KEYOPT, 3, 1, 1
      KEYOPT, 4, 1, 1
      ! Define element connectivity
      E, 1, 2
      E, 2, 3
      E, 3, 4
      ! Define mass and damping
      MP, EX, 1, K1
      MP, EX, 2, K2
      MP, EX, 3, K3
      MP, EX, 4, K4
      MP, D, 1, C
      ! Define boundary conditions
      D, 1, ALL, 0
      D, 4, ALL, 0
      ! Apply loads (forces)
      F, 2, FX, F0 * SIN(omega * t)
      F, 3, FX, F0 * COS(omega * t)
      ! Solution
      ANTYPE, 4
      ! Post-processing
      PLDISP, 2
    • mrife
      Ansys Employee


      There is no question posted here....but if I had to guess an answer it is that Link180 does not use real constants to define the stiffess.  It uses sections.


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