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PyFluent Watertight Meshing workflow

    • glab17

      Hi I'm using ansys-fluent-core and I was trying to add local sizing on my geometry, in particular I want to set face size target and curvature, how can I do it?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You should find everything here  https://github.com/ansys/pyfluent 

    • glab17

      I already watched there and I didn't find this option in the examples.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have you looked in the Ahmed body example? You may not find the exact command in one example and may need to pull information from different sources. There should be additional information in the PyFluent course on Learning. 

    • glab17

      Thank you I looked at the example and I managed to add local sizing. Can you please explain me how to set periodicity? It's not reported in any of the examples I have seen and the documentation is not so clear about what I have to put to set a translational periodicity with manual pick method.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I don't have that information, the PyAnsys tools are currently only supported from the Github.

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