3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

“Product not Found”


    • mrizuwan
      Try to install SpaceClaim 2020 R1, got this error. Please advice.
    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello M Rizuwan

      I have not seen this issue before. Do you have any other Ansys products installed?

      Can you try running the installation with "Run as Admin"?

      Can you confirm that you have unzipped the installation files completely before attempting to install?

    • mrizuwan

      The PC just been formatted, then I download the installer for Spaceclaim 2020 R1 (DISCOVERY_CADS_2020R1_WINX64.zip) here, Previous Versions . Next, I extract the file then proceed with Setup application. that’s how the problem happen

    • Subashni Ravichandran
      Forum Moderator

      Hello M Rizuwan

      Can you please try

      ·        delete the content of Windows folder called %temp%

      ·        Go to %appdata%, rename the Windows folder called "Ansys" with a different name (for example Ansys_old)

      ·        try running the installation again

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