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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Processing problems using the cyclic region function

    • 2401652014

      I want to use the Cyclic region function to calculate the vibration frequency of the whole disk through a sectoral bladed disk model.The calculation results include different frequencies under each node diameters. Then I extracted the mass matrix and stiffness matrix of the single sector blisk with the Cyclic Region boundary condition. Using the extracted matrix, I calculated its mode shape, which is the same as the mode shape under 0node diameter calculated by ansys. I want to know how to extract the stiffness matrix and mass matrix under other node diameters.

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      The difference between the stiffness matrix at different harmonic indices is the constraint equations created to enforce the harmonic index shape.  These constraint equations are created during solution.  A possible way to create a model for a harmonic index greater than 0 is to issue the command cycopt,hindex,N in a commands object.  Then the system matrices will be only for harmonic index N.

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