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Problems with SweepAroundAxis in 2D-Desing (about Z) and function “Create a 3D-D

    • jens.ommer

      Problems with SweepAroundAxis in 2D-Desing (about Z) and function “Create a 3D-Design”.

      Version 2024R1 (also in 2023…)

      I have drawn in 2D (about Z) an object like a washer in the origin of coordinate system and split the object (using plan YX).

      1.       If I did SweepAroundAxis with 360° (sweep axis Z) I get following error:


      Maxwell2DDesign1 (Electrostatic, about Z)

          [error] Parasolid Error: Failed in function PK_BODY_make_swept_body_2 with error PK_ERROR_sweep_failed.  (09:21:53 AM  Jun 07, 2024)

          [error] Body could not be created for part because of invalid parameters to SweepAroundAxis operation. (09:21:53 AM  Jun 07, 2024)


      2.       If I did SweepAroundAxis with 359° (sweep axis Z) its work but it is not what I like.

      3.       If I did SweepAroundAxis with 360° (sweep axis Z) and set the Number of Segments like 360 it works fine

      But in version 2022R1, I can do case 1 without any Problems.

      If I did it with “Create a 3D-Design.” I have the same errors

      What I did wrong?

    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Jens,

      Please share the snapshot of the 2D model being used.

    • jens.ommer

      after I split the washer

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