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Problems with Student Version

    • Philipp Georgiou


      when I want to do a static mechanical analysis I want to select certain materials under "technical data". But somehow I can not select/add any material an not make any analysis. 

      How can I choose from all the materials that are available in Ansys?



    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Philipp,
      I can see you have selected the box below the Stainless steel, that's why material properties in the Toolbox have not been highlighted. If you will click on the structural steel then all the material properties will be highlighted. If you want to create a custom material then search on YouTube with the keyword" ANSYS WORKBENCH BASIC TUTORIALS I How to add and edit materials in ANSYS". or write "how to add engineering data in the Ansys Workbecnh" 


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