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Problems accessing UDMI asigned in DEFINE_PROFILE


    • grayg34

      I am working on writing a UDF for a flux boundary condition for a UDS transport equation. The boundary condition is not working as expected so I am trying to access some of the values through user memory for debugging purposes.


      I have no problem setting up the UDMI and it shows up as a variable in reports, and plots but the value is 0 even when I assigned a constant non-zero value as a test. I have tried a number of different report, contours, and line plots to access it. 

      specifically I am using C_UDMI assigning it within begin_c_loop. 

    • grayg34

      addition information: 

      I have written the value of the UDMI to a file from within the udf code and the value is correct. 

      If i initialize the UDMI to some non-zero value I get the expected result. I then run an interation and the UDMI according to the report has not changed but the file from within the c code shows that it has. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You may want to look at https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v241/en/flu_udf/flu_udf_DataAccessMacros.html%23x1-5030004.2.9  for a surface zone. 

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