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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

problem with udf – windows 10

    • ft19

      does anyone know how to solve this problem with the UDF in fluent? i have a laptop with windows 10 and I don't have "libudf" in the folder Fluent.


      thank you

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Can you compile a small UDF in Fluent outside the Workbench?

      Example will be:


      #include "udf.h"



      Message0("nHello World!n");



    • ft19

      yes, i tryed to compile this code in c++ and imported it in ansys but it displays the same error. do you know why? i tryed also to compile it in wordpad, but same error.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Have you tried to compile the lines I have sent? Have you installed the required compilers (Visual Studio)?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Please see this list of compatible visual studio applications using the link below and make sure you have a correct version installed on your system.


      Thank you.


    • seeta gunti
      Ansys Employee

      Hello ft,

      To compile the UDF, we need to install VS in your windows machine. You need to set either the environment variables or run the fluent from VS command prompt and compile the UDF. 

      for more information, please go through the below link.




    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Is your issue resolved?



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