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Problem with Import of .fmu data in ANSYS CFX

    • tianxiao


      I am trying to do some co-Simulation using ANSYS CFX with Flownex. Exactly the same like the tutotial, which is recommended from Flownex, I created a .fmu output data for ANSYS CFX to read. As I tried to import the .fmu data, which I got from Flownex, there was an error, as in the figure below, I tried many times to creat this .fmu data in Flownex, but I still got this error, as I tried to read it in CFX

    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Tianxiao,nAre you located outside of North America? If so, please contact support@flownex.com for support. If you're located inside North America, let me know and I'll direct you to someone who can help.n
    • madkins
      Hi Tianxiao,nCan you try using the attached FMU exported from Flownex and let me know if that works?nn
    • tianxiao
      Hi madkins, n it works! how did you do that? did you change some settings in flownex?nnregardsnTianxiaon
    • madkins
      Hi Tianxiao,nI'm glad it worked!nWe tested the tutorial and didn't experience any errors, this is the FMU exported from that.nHappy Friday!nMilesnn-edit: my hunch is that you may have experienced a read/write permissions issue.n
    • tianxiao
      Hi madkins,I did exaktly the same again according to the tutorial in Flownex, interessting is, i just get a FlownexFMU.fmu with very strange size, I think it might be the problem, but i couldn't understand why I can not get the correct FlownexFMU.fmun